Quick 10-Min Sessions
OsteoStrong works for people of all ages by helping you strengthen the foundation of your body, the skeletal system. In only ten minutes per week, you develop strength, improved bone density, better posture, balance and athletic performance with reduced joint and back pain.

Trackable Results
OsteoStrong sessions utilize a series of robotic musculoskeletal treatment devices that allow axial compression of bone. Because of the robotic optimized positioning of the human body, loading forces go through the human bone that is far higher than those seen in daily activity or exercise.

Innovative Technology
OsteoStrong uses the Spectrum System to deliver unprecedented results. Spectrum is first-in-class of a new category devices called Robotic Musculoskeletal Development System (RMDS). OsteoStrong impacts the entire body in many ways using a process known as Osteogenic Loading.